About CBSE Sahodaya School Complexes

Sahodaya School Complexes : The Concept

In 1987, CBSE brought out a publication titled, “Freedom to learn and freedom to grow through Sahodaya School Complexes” (SSCs) which characterized “SSCs” as a voluntary association of schools in a given area, who through mutual choices, have agreed to come together for a systematic and system-wide renewal of the total educational process. In other words as “Sahodaya” signifies rising together, it identified six areas, to begin with, for collaboration amongst schools of its complex:

Educative Management


Human Resource Mobilization

Professional Growth of Teachers

Value-Oriented School Climate

Vocationalisation of Education


Historical Background

  • 1987In pursuance of the National Policy of Education, 1986, the Programme of Action for the implementation of National Policy on Education in CBSE Schools (Implementation of National Policy on Education in CBSE affiliated Schools-Programme of Action for three years) further reiterated school complexes and resolved to encourage the process of setting of Sahodaya School Complexes
  • 1986Idea of Sahodaya School Complexes concretized during a two-day conference of School Principals organized by CBSE in collaboration with NPSC in October 1986 wherein one of the resolutions stated "Accepting the necessity for establishing school complex (es) which may be named SS complexes so that isolation that exists today is here between the school will give way to partnership among schools within the complexes and they will work and rise together."
  • 1985Emphasis on collaboration among schools and establishment of linkages in academic and co-curricular and cultural activities during the first National Conference of principals of CBSE affiliated Schools organized by CBSE in collaboration with APSC Madras
  • 1966Idea of Sahodaya School Complexes mooted by the Education Commission 1966 and reiterated by National Education Policy 1966 which set the tone for bringing the schools together for healthy interaction among themselves and for meeting the quality of education