Ideate your project
Select a topic of your interest from the suggested sub-themes.
Your project may include:
investigation based study
an indigenous design of a machine/device or a technique
application of basic principles of Science and Technology
design of a device/ machine to reduce production cost
a novel solution to a problem/challenge
Think of an idea that is original and innovative, or a problem around you that can be investigated.
Go through the resources section of CBSE Science Exhibition portal to see some earlier exhibits.
Once you select an idea, discuss with your mentor teacher.
Next, look for information on your topic and make a plan.
Your plan must specify a purpose, hypothesis, the constant (control) and changing variables, the procedure of conducting the experiment and a time line. In case your project focuses on improvisation or providing a solution, specify the steps through which it would be tested and verified before recommendation.

Develop your project
Look for resources for your project. You are advised to use materials that are eco-friendly and low cost.
In case you are attempting an investigatory project, conduct the survey/study and record your observations along with necessary details like time, units etc. Analyse data collected to arrive at conclusions.
In case you are planning to explore the application of a science concept or resolve a problem through an innovative design/ practice, look for materials to develop the idea. Test the model developed.
Consult your mentor teacher at every step of the process.
Submit your work on the CBSE portal for the screening round.
Project submission for Screening Round
You are expected to upload the following details about your project on the portal for the Screening Round - title and sub-theme of the Project, undertaking from the mentor teacher regarding authenticity of the project, list of the material used for the Project, brief description of the Project, and URL after uploading the video of the project on YouTube.
For the above, you will have to
Create a write up of the project
List materials used
Capture images of the material used and the model/exhibit, make a PDF file of images of the model/project/exhibit and upload here (Max size: 10 MB)
Create a short video explaining the project and upload it on YouTube. Save the URL of video with yourself and share it with your school. (Time Limit: 10 minutes)
Next step is to submit your exhibit on the Science Exhibition portal. For this, use your credentials to log in and submit the required details of the project. Make sure that you do this before the deadline for submission.
You would be informed if your project is selected for the Regional Level of the CBSE Science Exhibition.

Why some participants fail to qualify in Science Exhibition?
After submission of projects, a team of experts would review each entry and checks for conformity to specific criteria. Some exhibits/ projects would be disqualified if they -
are copied ideas from internet/fails plagiarism check
are repetitions of a previous project submitted earlier in the Science Exhibitions
display an unnecessary use of environmental unfriendly materials.
have multiple ideas without focus on a singe idea/solution/answer.
Regional Round of the CBSE Science Exhibition
This round would be in a face to face mode for 02 days. The participants selected would be provided the details of the venues and the dates. They would display their project/ exhibit during the proposed exhibition.
Plan the display of your work in an attractive and organized manner. The display must be neat and must clearly reflect title of your project or improvement; stages of the work; and conclusions drawn. You can use colourful headings, photographs, diagrams, tables, charts and graphs to highlight important facts/data. You can augment the important phases of your project or solution with audio and video clips. Make sure it is simple and not cumbersome and unwieldy.
Display regulations- maximum size of the exhibit.
Depth: 30 inches
Width: 48 inches
Height 108 inches